Thursday, April 5, 2012

Alec Walton: UREC Upper Turf Dr.

This is James Madison University Recreation Upper Turf. These giant fields sit looking over the Lower Turf field, UREC, and the Convocation Center. These fields were created to let JMU students play sports with their friends, play intramural sports, or just to come watch a JMU Club sporting event. These fields are significant because almost all the Club sports practice or play on this field. I belong to the JMU club soccer team, and the Upper Turf is part of my JMU experience. There are always conflicts on who uses the fields when, but the fields are big enough to let everybody enjoy in the activities they came to the Upper Turf to do. Upper Turf is a place to socialize or do physical activity. Also another conflict about the upper turf field is that it is closed and locked at night. That is also why it is hindered as a public space. At the same time it is not the greatest public space because it might be far away for some people, I’m sure some don’t even know where it is.  The UREC upper turf field is a public space because it is new, big, and open for any activity anyone could think of. The UREC upper turf is defined as a public space because it is an open space that anyone can use during the day for physical activity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, these fields are primarily used for intramural and club sports teams at JMU. I am on the Women's Club Ultimate Frisbee team so I use the Upper Turf for practice. The field space and time does seem to be a continuing issue. So many teams want to use this space for practice, it is hard to fit them all in. The time I do spend on this turf is not only for building my Frisbee skills, it is also for building relationships. Through Frisbee I have made so many great friends. We always are working hard at practice, but we never fail to have a good laugh and share good stories. These fields will leave me with lots of memories of hard work and building great friendships.
    -Emily Palmer
