Sunday, April 8, 2012

Megan Dubs's Madison Space for Dr. H.

This is a picture of Canine Meadows at John Rudy Park. It’s an off-leash dog park in York Pennsylvania where people can take their dogs to run free and socialize. This park consists of three enclosed areas for small and large dogs. One area is for dogs 30 pounds and under, one is for dogs 30 pounds and over, and the other one is an extra for when one of the other two dog parks need cleaning or becomes too muddy. There are plenty of trees and shade for the owners and their dogs. In each fenced in area there are water fountains for the dogs that sit low to the ground and the owner steps on the handle to release the water. Also, waste disposal dispensers are located around the park to encourage everyone to clean up after their dogs and keep the park beautiful for other guests. On hot summer days the dog park becomes a chosen “meeting place” for many dogs and owners, it can become extremely crowded and a lot of people can be found playing catch or throwing a frisbee. Having a communal place to meet and relax is important, especially on the weekends when the weather is pleasant. This area is privately owned by the township, but is meant for public use. Since it is privately owned, it is a private space, so there are rules to abide by while using this area. The park rangers patrol this area and occasionally drive through to make sure everyone is following the rules. Owners who may not have a big yard for their dog or live in an apartment complex can bring their dog here to get some exercise and play with other dogs. One problem that seems to reoccur is when owners bring their aggressive dogs. Sometimes their dog isn’t used to being around other dogs and can be come very aggressive and territorial in the new surroundings. It is aggravating when people do this and you constantly have to watch out for the “mean dog” when really the rules say the owner should remove the dog immediately. This public space offers an opportunity for dogs and owners to come together and bond over this shared public space. A lot of people at Canine Meadows are huge dog lovers and this dog park is a symbolic place for these humans to go. 

1 comment:

  1. Although I have never been to this park, I feel like I would like it because whenever I walked my dog through a park I hated keeping it on a leash. I felt that at a park a dog should be able to run around and have fun, but you had to keep it on a leash because somebody may get upset that your dog is running around. What's interesting about this park is the mutual understanding between the dog owners and other people at the park that dogs are allowed to run free. If in someway you don't feel safe around dog, just don't go there. It's a public space with certain types of rules that if you don't particularly like, then it's up to you if you want to go there or not.

    Mary Pavlovskaya (Dr. H's class)
