Thursday, April 5, 2012

Breonna Hammond- Madison Spaces

I took this picture one morning while walking from the Warsaw Parking Deck to class. It’s a picture of the path that leads from the new performing arts center to Wilson Hall. I think that students most often use this space for: administrative reasons, classes, and relaxation. Wilson Hall is basically the anchor or the main focal point of the Quad. I think that campus designers designed this space for exactly what it’s used for. On nice days the Quad is packed with students and faculty alike who all take time out of their day to enjoy the atmosphere and the nice warm weather. I think that one way the space could potentially be improved is that the campus designers could have put more trees. While the Quad is absolutely gorgeous I think that for some students they would like to enjoy the warm weather while still being able to remain cool. If there were a few more trees that lined the Quad it could be better. I also think that adding more trees could help with any environmental concerns. This particular space shapes my memory of James Madison in particular because I am gradating this year. Ten years from now I might not remember all the classes that I took or all the friends that I had, but one thing that will forever stay in my mind is the Quad.


  1. I really like this photo. I think compositionally it is very strong. The lines that the path and tree branches create, lead the eye to the focal point of the photo: Willson Hall. The glowing sun reminds me of my fun times on the quad, lounging around and enjoying the weather. The quad, in my opinion, is one of the best places for JMU students to spend their time of beautiful days.
    A. Falck

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  3. This is a great photo, and to me, represents the "spring fever" that so many JMU students are experiencing. During the cold winter months, it seems like the JMU student population goes into hibernation. However, on a nice sunny day, as depicted in the picture,the JMU population comes out to enjoy the beautiful weather on the quad. Wilson Hall is the at the head of the quad, and is many times seen as the focal point of the quad. I think the main reason I enjoy this photo so much is because of how the light hits the path leading to Wilson. The light in this picture gives a home-like feeling to JMU!
    -Katherine Ilenko
