Monday, April 9, 2012

Jalisa Hall Spaces

This is The James River in Richmond, VA. It is located in the middle of the city, allowing easy access. This space is used for multiple things. During the summer and spring months you will find many people having picnics on the rocks, families taking their children to the shallow parts of the waters, or teenagers making bon fires late at night. One of my favorite things about the river is the scenery and the positivity surrounding the area. It is one of my favorite places to go at home. It brings different people together and it is a calm and relaxing place to clear your mind or have alone time. I think that is one of the most unique parts of Richmond because it is set apart from the constant fast life of the city. It is a place where people go to have mild fun, to relax, or to enjoy the water. The river is a very family oriented place. People of all ages, races, and personalities have enjoyed their time spent here.


  1. This is one of my favorite places in Richmond too! I love the juxtuposition of the river and trees with the heart of the city in the background. I think that is what makes this place so special. One moment you're in the city thinking about the store fonts you're passing and all the cars, then the next moment you're surrounded by the rocks and the river. I wonder though, if Belle Isle (where it looks like you took the picture from) hadn't been designated a park, how quickly it would be built up commercially? I could easily see many high end restaurants and condos, such as Rockett's Landing, buying up that land long ago and the public would not be able to use it in the way they do now.

    Caitlin Brusoski (Dr. H)

  2. This place is interesting in terms of how it's placed. The river isn't very incorporated or intermingled with the city but even still, the place offers an interesting combination of the city and nature. The place reminds me of my childhood hometown in South Korea where nature and urban plans were abruptly intermixed because of the corporates' expansions, building apartments and houses deep as far as the countryside in order to gain more profit.

    Natalie Kwon (Dr. H)

  3. I am from Chesterfield, and I made frequent trips out here during the summer. This public place is great to hang out with all of my friends and even meet other people. Like you said, there definitely always seems to be a positive vibe among everyone there. At least whenever I visit there. I'm glad that Bell Island has not been made into some business filled corporate island. It seems this river preserves the public space in Richmond that other businesses cannot interfere with.
    (Kevin Johnson Dr. H)
