Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chance Esposito Madison Space Post for Dr. Connerley

This picture is of the sheltered walkway that connects Johnston Hall (on the right) to Sheldon Hall (on the left). This space is located in the Bluestone Area of JMU’s campus and can be accessed by car or on foot.  This breezeway is visible from notable areas such as the sundial (located on the quad) or the fountain in front of Burruss Hall.  The style of the sheltered walkway is consistent with the rest of the Bluestone area, complete with stone pillars and a matching red roof. Typically, the JMU community uses this space as protection from certain elements such as rain, snow or heat while commuting from one building to the next. This space also serves as an excellent place to step outside and get some fresh air during the day. I think the designers of this space intended this breezeway to serve the purpose of ‘protection’, but also to add an extra piece of architecture to JMU’s campus.  
One thing that should be added to this space is a place to sit. Surprisingly there are no benches or ledges under this breezeway.  Places to sit would allow more people to enjoy this space, rather than just pass it by, sometimes on a daily basis.
I used to pass under this breezeway every day of my first semester at JMU on my way to class. I always thought it was interesting because I had not seen any other spaces like this on JMU’s campus. Every time I walk past this spot now, I look back on my experiences as a  freshman at JMU.

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