Thursday, April 5, 2012

Katherine Ilenko: Madison Spaces- Cherry Blossom Trees (Dr. Connerly)

These are some of the newly bloomed cherry blossom trees near Grafton Theatre. These pink trees provide the JMU community with the first signs of spring, and are truly beautiful. JMU students could perhaps use this space to do homework under, as they provide some amounts of shade. Students could also use this space, simply just for appreciation of the beauty that the trees provide the campus with.
I believe that campus builders simply intended this space to be used as open space. However with the added foliage, the space turns from simple to beautiful. I believe that if JMU added some benches or tables underneath or near these cherry blossom trees, that more students would take advantage of how beautiful this space really is. I believe that this space could sometimes be overlooked for its beauty, since it's only along a pathway. People, therefore may not always be looking at it's natural beauty, However, if there were benches or tables, students could really take advantage of the open space. This space really could not be improved in regards to the environment, since it is simply nature. Seeing this space in particular with the fresh-cut grass, and beautiful light pink trees gives hopeful signs of new life, and spring in general. This image will serve as a memory of springtime at JMU.

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