Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weeping Willow Anna Frazer

The space on campus I chose is a weeping willow tree by the stairs leading up to ISAT. This particular tree is right near the gym and I pass it all the time. Although I am sure many students pass by these trees every day without noticing, I always try to take the time to appreciate how beautiful they are. Whenever I am going to UREC or walking with my friends, I love to go past these trees on purpose. Weeping willows have always been my favorite trees ever since I was little, and I remember how excited I was to see them when I came freshman year. I wish that there were more of these trees in general because I think they add a feeling of elegance. If it is a nice day outside, I like to either stand by or sit under these trees whenever I am talking on the phone or just want a place to talk with a friend.

This tree is right near the power plant and I think it creates an interesting juxtaposition. Although the tree is a part of nature, it is surrounded by the overshadowing technology of East Campus. East Campus is rapidly improving its carbon footprint so hopefully there will continue to be further improvements in the future.  I just wish that the trees were farther from the massive smokestacks because then they would stand out even more. I think that although the space I chose isn’t particularly prominent on campus, it will remind me of spring at JMU and bring back happy memories. 

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