Monday, April 2, 2012

Rob Kozlowski's Post

Every morning for the past three years at JMU, I come to this fork in the path through the JMU arboretum as I am walking to class.  This space symbolizes the start of my day and the direction I am going to take for that particular day.  Keeping to the left would take me to the general education classes that I have had in the Bluestone side of campus, while veering to the right would mean that I am going to ISAT to work on my Integrated Science and Technology degree.  I have walked through this point each and every day I have been a student at JMU, even in the rain, sleet, or snow, I always meet this point.  If you would like directions to this intersection from campus, you can meet this point from any entrance to the arboretum on the east side of campus, and just walk on the path. 

From the countless times that I have ventured over this intersection in the JMU arboretum, I have seen many different uses for this space.  Most of the time, traveling students like myself getting to and from class if they reside in the Sun chase or Stone Gate communities use this space.  Every morning, I cross the paths of hikers and bikers traveling through this space on a daily basis. 

When the arboretum at JMU was built, my impression of the designers intended use for this space was exactly what it is used for, scenic walks for students to enjoy, and a convent method for students to walk to campus from their house or apartment. 

This space could be improved for student use if the paths were well lit at night for use to walk to and from campus.  I think this would be a very convenient path for the off campus students to get to class especially since it is very difficult to drive to campus.  While making this path a method of access to campus around the clock, we would be reducing the need to drive to campus thus creating a more environmentally friendly location.  The arboretum is already a clean, and for the most part, natural location so it is a great place to walk though and enjoy.

Upon my graduation, I imagine that I will remember this intersection of the JMU arboretum as the point I started by day and the various walks to class that I had.  I will also remember this location well because of this assignment I am completing on it, and the picture that I now have stored on my various devices.

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