Thursday, April 5, 2012

This picture is of a large tree near the kissing rock. It is located at the intersection of two pathways, one that leads straight to the top left of the Quad and one that leads diagonally to the top right of the Quad. Spotswood is the dormitory closest to it. This picture was taken facing toward S. Main St. and the Forbes Center for the Performing Arts. JMU students most often use this space for enjoyment. On gorgeous, sunny days, students will lounge under the tree’s long branches and leaves. They will use its shade to escape the hot sun, but still enjoy the beauty of campus and the weather. Students might study, read, eat, or spend time with friends here between classes. Students may even use the tree’s trunk as a backrest. In addition, students appreciate the beauty of the tree and might admire it on their way to class. I think the campus designers intended this space to be used for aesthetic beauty. It is located in a way that helps break up the plain green lawn of the Quad without being a hindrance for walking. I also think the designers wanted the space to be used by students for enjoyment and lounging because it is conveniently located near academic buildings and by two major pathways. In addition, it is located near dormitories, which makes it a convenient space for freshmen to spend time outdoors. I do not think there is way for this space to be improved for student use or that there is any particular way this space could be improved with respect to sustainability and environmental concerns. This particular space and the Quad in general cater to the students’ needs very well. This space has shaped and will continue to shape my experience at JMU.  I absolutely love the Quad and have already made many memories relaxing, studying, eating, sleeping, and reading on the Quad. Freshmen year, I would bring a blanket or towel with me and sit out on the Quad every Friday with friends to chat and do some homework. We would stay out there all afternoon, until the shadows from the buildings began to creep over our blanket. I know that over the next two years, I will continue to make more memories on the Quad because it is a very functional, convenient, and beautiful space on our campus.

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