Friday, April 6, 2012

Michaela Sibole's Madison Space for Dr.H

If you were to ask random JMU students about their favorite place on campus, it's no surprise that a good amount would answer, "The Quad." Even if it's not your favorite place on campus, it's in most students top 5, and, why wouldn't it be? On any given day, especially as the weather get’s increasingly warmer, you are bound to see students, faculty members, or people from the Harrisonburg community making great use out of this wonderful public space.
Besides being a beautiful place to look at, the quad can also be used for several social activities. For example, people can be found sitting on the “kissing rock”, sitting under a nice shaded tree doing homework, or waiting for their next class to start on many of the benches located around the quad. You can also find people engaging in activities such as soccer, football, running around the perimeter of walkways, smoking hookah, or even tight rope walking between trees. Whatever it is that people who live in or around the JMU community like to do outside, it can usually be done on the quad.
The way in which the quad is set up exemplifies how it is a public space meant for socializing. It is a huge space of fresh green grass bordered by walkways that lead you to the several buildings that were built around the quad. These buildings consist of not only classrooms, but resident halls as well. One thing that makes the quad nice is how all of the buildings share the same type of architecture with being made from bluestone. These buildings may all be alike because at one point, before JMU started to greatly expand, the quad was known as the “center” of campus.
Like we talked about in class, the quad has gone through significant changes in social atmospheres. From being the center of a Maypole celebration, to a protesting place for the Vietnamese war, to the present day public space with club and church activities, and also events like the AIDS prevention event that was going on back in October, the quad has always been a social place. This is exactly what JMU’s main goal was in creating it in the first place; freedom in a public space.


  1. The Quad is definitely my favorite part of campus and is used in all the ways you mentioned. Many people also use the Quad to bring their dogs for walks, take their children there to play, and as the grand finally of the tours here at JMU.
    I really love the Quad and think it is and amazing space. That is why I requested my housing to be in Bluestone my freshman year. I got to live in Gifford which is a Bluestone building right off the Quad and it was great because not only was I close to all my classes but I was right next to the most beautiful area on campus.
    I really like this image because it shows how much space the Quad has and it shows Wilson in the center of the frame which is a great building. I also like this view because even though I do not live on campus this year, I park in the Warsaw parking deck and get to walk through these paths on the Quad almost every day.

    By Dana Probasco

    1. The Quad at JMU is most definitely the best example of a public space. The Quad is essentially a huge grassy area in which people go to socialize, study, or simply take in the natural beauty of the campus. It is surrounded by buildings that are historical in architecture. From our readings in class, this historical architecture would most likely fit what Allan Greenberg, author of "Colleges Have Lost Interest in Designing Campuses With Meaning." In this article Greenberg claimed that college campuses should be constructed with history in mind, and built around a common focal point that could be used as a public space. The founders of James Madison University, did just that. The Quad is by far the most popular place to hang out and academic buildings, dining halls, and the library all conveniently surround it.
      Myself, like many other JMU students think of the Quad as the hallmark of our university. It is a place not only of socialization and fun, but a place to enjoy the natural beauty of our community.

      By: Megan Shekletski
      GAMST200 Dr. H.

  2. I really like this picture of the Quad because of the point of view it is taken from. To me it looks like it was taken from above the tunnel on South Main. I also took a picture of the Quad for this project, as did several other people, and I think it’s really neat to see all the different perspectives different JMU students see of the same area. I personally use the Quad in ways most other JMU students do too. I hang out there with friends and sometimes I try to study but I usually end up getting distracted by other people and start people watching. One thing I want to add about what the space can be used for is that classes are sometimes held out on the Quad. Many professors will take their students out there on nice days just to have a change of scenery from the classroom. Others will have their students conduct projects and assignments out there during class time.

    -Brittany Bailey, GAMST 200 Section 4, Dr. Connerley

  3. The quad has always been the public space that the open space near Festival could never make up for. The quad has always been the "it" place for JMU students and has always been the social area where I have met up with friends after grabbing a cup of coffee, randomly joined a friend hanging out on the quad and done homework in an open spot between my classes. The photographer listed most of the ways the quad is used by JMU students. This image captures the wide space made available for various activities; it captures the beautiful landscape buildings surrounding the quad and the path that leads to the newly built Forbes Center. This picture best represents what James Madison University originally was like before the expansion of East Campus - the origins of this University.

  4. ^April 12, 2012 09:51 PM is Christina Choe's post

  5. I, too, think this is a good example of a public space on campus. But I think it's interesting that this image shows how few people are actually on the quad. I'm sure we've all seen the area when it's really nice outside and everyone is packed in so they can just enjoy the area. I sometimes wonder why people seem only to flock to the quad when it's hot and sunny; I guess that just goes to show that even though the weather doesn't suddenly make the quad a public space, it makes it a more enjoyable public space.

    Stephanie Maguire

  6. The quad is also one of my favorite places at JMU, as it is a genuine example of everything this university is about. You can find all kinds of people on the quad, as there is an activity for everyone there. This picture is a great one, as it presents the quad from the viewpoint that I believe is the best. I feel that all prospective students should enter the quad from the bottom under the tunnel and walk towards Wilson. I often use the quad as a place of leisure between classes, as it is a great place to hangout and meet new people. One use the author didn't list the quad for is a place to bring your dog, as it is always a great time to bring a dog out on the quad and run around with it.

    Jarrett Schindler

  7. The quad is definitely a huge part of the JMU campus, as many people can be found there on any given day, either playing frisbee or tanning out on the lawn. The picture was taken at an angle that really encompasses the quad well, showing it's vast space and the buildings surrounding it, including Wilson Hall. With Wilson at the top of the picture and at the end of the lawn, it shows JMU's overall theme for the quad, which is talked about in Allen Greenberg's article about college campuses. A campus often has a theme with similar architect, and Wilson hall embodies this theme. Overall, the quad is a perfect example of public space, as people can speak their mind and meet and interact with new people.

    Tori Lugar Dr. H

  8. The quad is definitely a focal point of JMU’s campus. I think this particular photo is interesting because it shows different aspects of the space itself, such as the open grassy areas, landscaping and the walkways that are placed throughout. I see the quad every day during the week and there is always someone who is utilizing the space. The quad is an important aspect of the JMU community, providing a unique place for people to get together and enjoy some free time.
    -Chance Esposito

  9. I really like this part of campus, so does most of the school probably. i think this area of campus is a great public space for students to hang out for any situation either before or after classes, after school, or even the weekends. No matter what time of day it is there usually is always something to do or something going on on the quad.

    Gene Swindle

  10. This photo stood out to me more than others because I think that it represents JMU really well, especially now that we are getting warm weather. When I see this picture, I think about classes (naturally) yet a place of relaxation. Lately, I have seen this space filled with people in their shorts and t-shirts laying out, studying, throwing the football, etc. and I can personally say that that is something I really love about this school.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. As I realized this was a picture of the Quad, I quickly recognized it as one of my favorite places to be on campus. I see this place more as the gathering of cliques rather than a free space to hang out. It tends to look like a rock concert as soon as the warm weather hits. I spend most of my time on the quad reading for class, not necessarily relaxing like most. What moves me the most about this image is the fact that it is basically the face of JMU, which brings a warmness to my heart overall, just for the fact that I love this campus so much.
    -Lauren Fleetwood

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. don’t disagree with a single thing written in this post. The quad is still the central part of the campus and is the most common place to see students engaged in a variety of activities. If it is a nice day I am playing Frisbee or tossing a football at the quad. The photo definitely demonstrates its beauty with nice green grass and the neoclassical design of its buildings.
    -Alex Sciacca

  15. I'm unsurprised to see so many comments on this photo, as I too was immediately stirred by it. The Quad resonates with everyone with a shred of JMU pride, and this view captures it beautifully. Although I actually rarely use the Quad, I'm always pleased to see it filled with excited, happy people on warm days. I arrange my walks to campus to make sure I pass it, since it is such a picturesque way to enter the university. While the Quad is host to few actual events, it is usually a living reflection of the mood of the student body, and you photographed us in a pleasant light.
    - Luke Wachob

  16. When I came across this picture, a feeling of happiness came across me as I thought of warm days with sometimes hundereds of college students unwinding between classes. The way the quad is set up is a way that highlights it as a public space. Because it is in the bussiest part of campus, (with classrooms, libraries, and dinning halls all in close proximity or surrounding it), the quad seems to be the central area of campus where people can meet and interact socially. The way the walkways snake throught the center and branch out over the quad also makes it so that people have to walk through it often times. This promotes interaction and just a better central lawn experience. One thing that I do not understand is the reason for which Wilson hall is the central building for the quad. It seems that a library would be better suited for this, however that may be impractical because of the sheer size required of libraries. Overall, the quad offers a great way for students to interact, share ideas, or just unplugg and join humanity for a while.
    -George Snyder
