Friday, April 6, 2012

The Lovely Chesapeake Hall - Adriana Figueroa

This is a view of Chesapeake Hall on east campus. It is located in the middle of Potomac Hall and Shenandoah Hall, which all make up the dorms on east campus. It is across from the ISAT, Phys/Chem, and HHS buildings and perpendicular to Festival. To those who have not lived there it may not have any significance, really, it's just another building on campus. However, to the students who have had the privilege of living there, it is their home. When Chesapeake was built I am sure campus designers intended for it to be a place of comfort for students, somewhere where they could feel cozy and sheltered and it does exactly that. I do not think that there can really be any improvement to this space, it is already aesthetically pleasing to the eye, in my opinion. With respect to the environment and sustainability I do not think that this space neither promotes nor impedes either, it is just a residence hall. Like many students I also lived in Chesapeake, and it is a time that I can honestly say I will never forget. This became my home away from home and there is no doubt that living here made my freshmen year experience, here at JMU, as amazing as it was. 


  1. I agree, this photo might not seem very moving or important at first glance, but I also lived in Chesapeake Dorm freshman year so this is a very important picture to me. I have many memories of late night hang outs with friends and lots of frog week activities that I won't ever forget. Not only was this my home away from home freshman year, it was also my support group. I made lots of friends my freshman year that I still have now. These friends were and still are always there for me when I am down or need support. These memories from Chesapeake Hall will last a lifetime.
    -Emily Palmer

  2. Tamara Washington Dr. H

    I would have to also agree. I live here now as a freshman! I love it here. To me it is like a New Urbanism community within JMU's campus. I say that because we have all of our essential needs like a dining hall directly behind us, a central location (Astronomy Park, a library and a easy route off campus to nearby stores, and last but not least our own little market directly behind us that carries necessarily items as well. I would consider the entire Skyline area to be a New Urbanism I should say. There is a center where people can come and interact with one another and also influence each other as depicted in David Brooks article. This skyline area is warming to my heart. I love my Chesapeake Hall and Skyline's symbolization of openness and the meaning of how important it is to recognize civic life and relationships by way of these buildings as explained in "The Chronicle."

  3. Alyssa Wolf Dr. H

    I find it very interesting that everyone seems to really like where they live, no matter which dorm on campus. Each residence hall has a certain charm about it that the residents really can really appreciate. This somewhat contradicts Allan Greenberg’s article about designing college campuses with meaning. Even though it would have been nice to have the architecture of Bluestone continued throughout campus, that does not stop people from loving JMU. The campus may be spread out, but it is evident that even those who live on east campus truly love their dorm.

  4. Morgan L. Deacon
    GAMST 200-0005
    Dr. Jennifer Lockard Connerley

    I lived in Chesapeake Hall my freshman year also. I was very excited to live in the newest dorms on campus. I found a home away from home in Chesapeake. Nonetheless, I still missed my own home greatly. The dorm itself was nice, I never truly meshed with any of the people in the building including my roommate. I contributed this unhappiness with missing my own home. However, this year the real issues have surfaced―not messing with JMU. I am transferring to University of Mary Washington in the fall where I have been able to find my true second home. Therefore, nothing is truly wrong with Chesapeake or any other part of JMU. For the most part it is a beautiful campus that is filled with friendly people. Nonetheless, it does not strike my fancy.
