Monday, April 2, 2012

Carrier Library Cubbies by Dana Probasco

This is a picture of a cubby on the second floor of Carrier Library. This cubby is located in the main area of the second floor by the computers. Most JMU students use these desks to study. These desks are nice to use when you are studying for an exam and do not want to have any distractions.  The cubby is perfect for quiet study-time because once you sit down in one you basically have nowhere to look at except the desk and walls of the cubby itself.  You can then concentrate totally on the materials you are there to review. The campus definitely intended for this space to be used for studying. They also did not seem to intend for this space to use any computers for studying because there are no outlets near these cubbies. Computer access in library cubbies is one thing that JMU could definitely improve on. If you go to East Campus Library all the tables had power outlets to plug in your computers, and it would be great if JMU improved Carrier library and this space by putting more power outlets by these cubbies. I do not really think there is a way to improve the sustainability or environmental impact that these desks have. If anything, from now on JMU could build these cubbies out of recycled materials in order to help the environment. This space will also definitely shape my memory of my time at JMU. There have been many times where I have needed to study during a school day, but because I live off campus there is no point or time to go home between classes. I started using these cubbies to study in between classes and not get distracted. Often times Carrier is so packed on the second floor that the only open table space are these cubbies. I will also remember these cubbies’ walls as having been written on with messages to students and with notes being left on the desks that had encouraging words on them. The picture of a library cubby will shape my memory of JMU long after I have graduated because it will remind me of all the time I spent studying in Carrier while an undergraduate student.


  1. I really enjoy this picture. Because it evokes the idea that school is a very serious place to be. With the sort of “bland color” this picture indicates a no play zone, and it a place where you can get loads of work done. Everyone likes Carrier Library, because it provides a place a happy safe work environment that JMU students can be a part of.
