Friday, April 6, 2012

Samantha Bruce's Madison Space for Dr. H

This is a photograph of Lake Shenandoah located in the suburbs of Harrisonburg. This space is a public space but is located next to wealthier neighborhood. Lake Shenandoah has had an interesting history. The area has been used for many recreational purposes such as fishing, picnics, and walks and even borders a golf course. On many days you can find people from many generations enjoying these activities. I chose this particular spot because of the beauty it offers within city limits. I wanted to pick something not on the JMU campus, but a place that could still be used by JMU students. This is a spot I visited when I was younger and has change quite dramatically due to population increase. I remember hearing stories about the great fishing and wildlife at this lake. However, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) rank this space as being a poor environment for fish. This, according to the VDGIF, is a direct result of the golf course and housing development introducing greater than normal nutrients and sediment into the lake. The lake isn't as populated with fishermen as it once was due to the city feel and the poor fishing. The lake is used primarily by the surrounding citizens in the community. Lake Shenandoah being located in the suburbs might hinder the community outside the suburbs because they may feel the space is not public when the area is. 


  1. I like this picture because I spend a lot of time at Lake Shenandoah and that is one of my favorite spots on the lake. I go fishing a lot at this lake even though the fishing is awful because being out on the water fishing is relaxing. It’s nice to be able to get away from everything when the stress gets high and this is the place to do it. It’s usually pretty crowded but there are a bunch of places on the shore that you can walk to and feel like you’re alone so you can get some peace and quiet which sometimes feels impossible in college.

    Matthew Stonehill

  2. This sounds like a great place to go. It seems like a really nice public park to just relax and do recreational activities at. There is a reservoir next to my house, and it provides so much leisure activities. Being a public area, anyone and everyone can come and enjoy the reservoir. But like Shenandoah Lake, the land around it is becoming more populated with houses and businesses are trying to surround the reservoir. This lake seems like a great public place, as all bodies of water should be.
    (Kevin Johnson Dr. H)
