Friday, April 6, 2012

Stephanie Maguire's Madison Space for Dr. H

This is a picture I took inside the stacks at Carrier library. When I first came to JMU, I never used this public space partly because it's kind of creepy, but also because I often forgot it was there. I don't think I'm the only one who forgets about it. When I took this picture, I found only a few people within all the cubbies (against the back wall in this photograph) and most of those people were sleeping at the desks. Perhaps that's because it's so quiet in this space and away from the traffic that the rest of the library gets. I think it's interesting that although the entire library is a public space available for students as well as members of the Harrisonburg community to use, there are still spots within the library that don't get used as much. Some of the quieter, hidden areas in the library, such as this one, give the illusion of a private space. I know that when I sit in this area, I get annoyed when I start to hear someone talk on their cell phone, clicking their pen, or even if I can hear the music coming from their headphones. Still, I have to remember that although it may seem like the tiny desk and chair in the stacks seems like it's just for me to use, it's really for everyone.


  1. I like this picture. I remember the first time I had to find a book I needed for a class and going through the stacks was like a mini-adventure. I agree that this section of the library is slightly creepy. I can imagine an arm reaching through the books and grabbing someone. Unfortunately the increased reliance on technological resources has further reduced traffic through this and other parts of the library because the internet has proven to be more convenient.

    -Stefani Backer

  2. The library is a great example of a "public" space used for "private" purposes. Anyone is welcome into the library as long as you obey the rules. Also, most people enjoy the privacy of having either a table or cubby for themselves. If you come to the library you are most likely trying to complete some serioud studying or meeting with a group for a class project. Either way you want your privacy from the public, and you'll be upset if you don't get it. (Comment by Christina Dean)

  3. This picture and the caption that follows is an excellent description of the stacks in the carrier library. As a history major, I am quite familiar with this area and often use it to get research material for my papers. I have also, on occasion, used the carrier stacks as a place to study. This picture moves me because it is a great example of one of the more hidden places in carrier. Its only real uses are for books and studying; however, I have heard many a rumor about alleged scandalous behavior going on in the stacks and think that adds to the mystique of the area.
    Jarrett Schindler

  4. I find it interesting to have to determine the general library as a public space or a private space. The name public library is often in many of the names, however, you could never decide to protest in a library and get away with it. As for JMU, there are many areas, like that of the stacks, where if you even so much as drop your pen, you are in the wrong for making noise. Because there is such a stringent set of unwritten rules, I can see this area as being very private and therefore very personal.

    In lieu of what the first comment says, I think this space becomes in more private with the usage of the internet because it's become less likely to see people wandering the shelves in search of that perfect book for research. The internet age is even taking that away and putting us further into the technology age where everything is personal and individualistic.

    -Kelsey DiBenedetto

  5. I love this photo because it brings me back to freshman year. One day I couldn't find anywhere quiet in the library to sit and accidentally stumbled upon the stacks. It soon became my "go to" place in Carrier because it was quiet and seemed hidden and secluded from the masses of people in the library. I also like the angle of the photo because it's interesting and adds a new dimension to the otherwise fairly dim stacks. It's an awesome study space and I've used it every time exam week rolls around.
    -Anna Frazer

  6. I see this area of Carrier library and instantly get chills. This space is too quiet, too scary for me, and yet I"ve found myself there often during finals to get last minute papers written. I see this space as a place to hide from others more than a homework space. There are too many people in the library and it is easy to get distracted so this is a great place to get away. What moves me the most about this image is the fact that I see this space all the time but never saw more than its scariness, but in this picture it simply looks like a library shelf.
    -Lauren Fleetwood

  7. I also agree that the stacks are a hidden secret of Carrier library but contrary to popular belief the library is NOT a private space. Carrier library is the definition of a public space because it is an area where people can interact with others outside of their normal work/ class life. Private spaces are areas that entice customers to buy products and essentially kick you out if you are not purchasing any items.

    -Carter Eskew Dr. H 9:30-10:45 AM T/Th class
