Friday, April 6, 2012

The Courtyard at Lakeside- Alex Sciacca

The space shown to you in this picture is the courtyard of lakeside. It is located on the west side of campus in the center of the Shorts, Eagle, Chandler, and Showker buildings. If you were to enter campus through Bluestone Drive you would be able to find it walking up the sides to right of Chandler. With a complete renovation of the courtyard over the summer the space is now become of great usage. Every day in between classes you can see students sitting on the benches and low walls placed about the center of the courtyard. Students commonly use this as a meeting place after class. In terms of improvement I do not see that there is much to be done. As stated earlier it was recently renovated over the summer before fall classes. Its renovation has been a huge success demonstrated by constant use by students and faculty. If I had estimate how many students used it a day I would have to say close to a thousand. JMU has been known for its easy- to- meet and easy going students and presenting a courtyard in which you are able to enjoy conservations with friends further enhances that vibe. The courtyard has definitely served its purpose is one of the most positive usages of space on campus.


  1. The court yard, as Alex said, has become a wonderful place for many activities. After the renovation last summer, it is a great place for hanging out, sports (such as volleyball, frisbee, etc.), and other various activities. This area is important to me because I live in Eagle Hall and will forever remember the memories created in this court yard. If they had not done the renovations, i'm sure i would not have these memories of freshman year. This court yard is much like the town center of the Lakeside area. It is a public space that is used in a very positive way.

    -Kaitlyn Smith

  2. Alex is correct in stating that this place is used daily but students just meeting up and hanging out in between classes. It also is used for organization meetings with employers.
    Personally, I use this space daily because I am a business major and spend most my time in Showker. Going into this court yard is a wonderful way to relax in between classes and to catch up on email, etc.
    This picture caught my attention the most through the areal picture. I see this courtyard daily but have never seen it from above and it really shows the connectivity of everything.

    -Stacey Walker

  3. The court yard at lakeside is sometimes called and treated as our own personal quad. Living in eagle i spend a portion everyday here. Especially in the nice weather people lay out and congregate in groups with their friends. Mrs. Greens is right next to it so you often see people enjoying their lunch in the newly renovated space. Being in a sorority i know during rushing this space was used alot for meeting new sisters and setting up lunch dates. This space connects all four building and acts as a common ground.

    -Taylor Huff

  4. The court yard at lakeside is sometimes called and treated as our own personal quad. Living in eagle i spend a portion everyday here. Especially in the nice weather people lay out and congregate in groups with their friends. Mrs. Greens is right next to it so you often see people enjoying their lunch in the newly renovated space. Being in a sorority i know during rushing this space was used alot for meeting new sisters and setting up lunch dates. This space connects all four building and acts as a common ground.

    -Taylor Huff

  5. Not only do I believe that this is a great space, but it is also a place that ties in with what we have covered in this course so far. I believe that this space has a specific meaning to it as Greenburg talked about in his article. I believe that JMU built this space as a public place for social gathering and interaction.

    -Nghia Bui Dr. H

  6. Being a Marketing major, I get to spend a large amount of time in the Showker building. These classes can sometimes be high stress, and being able to have this place to relax really does improve my personal state of mind. This area seems to have transformed into a much less structured place, like the Santa Clara Pueblo was in the beginning. Last year it had a very structured use, (like the pueblo in later years) a basketball court. And now it can be used in any way the students can imagine. It truly is a multiple purpose area.

    -Madison Trumble Dr. H
