Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hillside Field by Jarrett Schindler

            This picture represents the Hillside field, which is located in front of Hillside Hall and Taylor Down Under.  JMU students use this space for a variety of reasons, but mainly as a place of leisure.  During the warm weather, you can frequently find people playing games or simply sitting out in the sun enjoying themselves.  I am unsure of how campus designers originally intended this space to be used, but would warrant a guess that it was originally some sort of athletic field for one of our sports teams.  I believe only slight variations could make the field more aesthetically pleasing, as the sheer emptiness of the field denotes its beauty.  I like the fact that there is a huge open field in the middle of our crowded campus, as it gives the eye a chance to take a break from the combustion of JMU.  Environmentally, this space is excellent as it merely consists of grass and has recycling bins located around the field.  I think the field will be sustainable and have longevity, as it is a natural environment.
            This space has already made a great impact on me during my time at JMU, and it will significantly shape my experience here.  When I was a freshman, I constantly spent time on the field as I lived in McGraw-Long Hall, which is about a minute walk from the field.  I met many of my friends there and had a great time with them, as the field represented a chance to escape the stresses of JMU and enjoy myself.  I will always remember the remarkable times and great people I met on the Hillside field.
Jarrett Schindler


  1. Like the quad, Hillside field is another area that brings students together. Many organizations hold field days and other activities here. Students use the field on a daily basis to play frisbee, tan, or play catch. Most recently, I was on the Hillside field for Relay For Life. It was a very powerful experience and I think have having at a central part of JMU's campus made the event even more special.
