Friday, April 6, 2012

Hillside Field, Nghia Bui

                As I was eating lunch outside of Taylor Hall I caught a glimpse of this particular space and realized how useful this place is. It is a picture of the field next to Hillside Hall and Taylor Down Under. This field is a comfortable place that is often times over looked by students because it is not as glamorous as the Quad and Skyline area. Being near the center of JMU, the hillside field is in close proximity to everything and everyone. One would assume that it is a place that attracts more people than it does, but that is not the case. Occasionally you see people walking through the area on their way to Dukes or their dorm, but that is usually it. The hillside field is more of a peaceful place where students from the surrounding dorms and clubs can come together.  It is a place where different people can interact with one another without the fear of not belonging. There are numerous activities that people can become involved in such as football, soccer, frisbee, archery, tanning, band practice, and much more.  Regardless of what activities students partake in, you can always feel comfortable in this neat little area.


  1. My picture was of Godwin Field, a place that has many similarities to this area. The only difference is, Godwin field seems to be used much more than this field located outside of Taylor Hall. I'm definitely guilty of forgetting about this area. It has many of the same purposes as Godwin field as well as the Quad. People should definitely consider using this space much more often since it is so practical and centrally located on campus.

  2. I see many different groups of people use this field - marching band, archery, quidditch, recreational sports and others. This space isn't used as commonly as the quad but I think that's because a lot of people usually use the Hillside Field for club/sports purposes so there really isn't that "relaxing" vibe to it and the sun doesn't really shine down on this space as much as the quad. Also, the parking lot is nearby so many people want to go to their cars and return home as soon as possible after a long day of classes. I've played couple recreational sports in this area with friends but that's the only use I've made of this area. This image captures the simple beauty of this University and the one of the many spaces JMU students are able to use.
    -Christina Choe

  3. I think that Hillside field is an excellent example of a public space. I know that personally, I've spent a few beautiful afternoons laying on the field to do homework, take a nap, or even run around with a soccer ball and friends. On the nice days, it is used much like the Quad. However, on a regular basis it is used for many organized JMU activities as well such as archery practice and their competitions, band, quidditch, rugby impromptu pre-season practices, and even yesterday, Relay for Life. When it is being used by an organization, it almost becomes a private space because unless you are participating in that activity, you can't use it at your liesure and pleasure.

    I live in the Hillside dorms, so I know all too well when it switches between the private and public. On a public day, you could get away with protesting, for example, however, on a day when it is being used privately, you are not to disrupt the events that are going on, much like the example that we used of the mall and disrupting commerce.

    -Kelsey DiBenedetto

  4. This space reminds me of my freshman year. The Hillside field was used for band practice last year. I lived in McGraw-Long, a nearby dorm, and I remember waking up from naps to the band’s loud music. Now-a-days, I usually pass by this space without as much as a glance. I imagine that this space would be much more appealing to me if trees and walkways were added, but I understand this would cause it to lose a lot of its function.
    -Margaret King

  5. I live in McGraw-Long this year and the field is a great space on campus. During the fall semester, my hall would play football several times a week on the Hillside Field. Now that it is warm outside, a lot of people use it for tanning and throwing frisbees. It is like a more convenient and less crowded version of the quad for people who live in Hillside or the Village. The Hillside Field has been a great way to meet new people who live near us and it has also been good for meeting up with the people we already know.
    -Drew Lewis
