Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Duke Dog statue - Hugo Ramadier

This is the Duke Dog statue located in front of the APC, between the business building and Godwin hall. If you park your car at the football stadium, you will drive by it on Champions Drive. JMU students use this space usually during their freshman year. When they are new at JMU, they take all kind of pictures of it because it represents the mascotte of the university. I myself took a picture on it the first day I came to JMU. I think it is such a cool statue. Campus designers put the Duke Dog in front of the APC because it is the student-athletes home base. I am pretty sure campus designers intended this space to be used the way it is used today. They wanted student-athletes to see it every day because they compete hard to defend it. I think this place is perfect the way it is. I will remember this statue forever because I love it. It was the first thing I saw at JMU when I first came here, and I also see it every day on my way to class. Every time I walk by it, it makes me smile, because it looks so cool!In my opinion this is one of the nicest place on campus, because it is a peaceful and unthreatening.


  1. I have only seen this area used differently once and that was when a fraternity used the space to put on a show. This space can be seen and used by all that his description explained it all perfectly.
    I see this statue daily on my walk to Showker when I am heading to classes. I cross through it and it serves as a constant reminder why I love this school and choose to go here. As Hugo said, its basically a tradition to take a picture with the duke dog as an incoming freshmen. I have one with my best friends. This image reminds me of why JMU is awesome.

    -Stacey Walker

  2. The description of the space depicted is explained very well. I believe that this statue depicts what JMU is. Often times when I think of JMU, I think of the Duke Dog. This statue shows strength and serves as a welcome, especially to new freshmen like me. It's pretty typical to try to get a picture with every statue of James Madison or the Duke dog when you're a student at JMU. This statue will be put on my to-do list of places of campus I've got to go get a picture with.
    -Katherine Ilenko
