Friday, April 6, 2012

The best desk in Carrier

This desk is on the second floor of Carrier library, along the far wall, between group study rooms and windows facing Top Dog Cafe and East Campus. This desk is unique in Carrier for its level of privacy – not only does the desk naturally obstruct views from surrounding desks, but the two walls create an enclave that just one person can enter. I always choose this location for long library days (four or more consecutive hours in there) because of how alone it is, AND it has an outlet right there. Perfect. I’ll remember it as one of the few constants in my JMU life – I changed majors, residences, friends, worldviews, and interests in my short time here. The desk is a physical location where I can see and feel all the different versions of me that have existed since I graduated high school in Buffalo years ago.

Aesthetically I also like the Carrier desks for the scribbling that students put on them. They personalize space and can pass a few minutes when you need a quick break from work. I wouldn’t want to change anything about the space other than encouraging more writing and engraving on it. Who wouldn’t want their desk divider to also be a free speech wall?

Luke Wachob 


  1. I really connected with this picture also. When thinking about this assignment I first thought to post a picture of Carrier library before choosing the image of the smokers bench. I agree with what Luke says about the writings on the desk divider's I like seeing what people before me have had to say. Even right now I am sitting in carrier and the divider in front of me reads: "BROG BYOB". Like Williamson argues in the "Urban Spaceman" most people in Carrier have headphones in and are disconnected to their surroundings. It is a reminder of where the studier is to see the graffiti, and have a connection with others. -Jenna Fravel

  2. I really liked this picture because I spend a lot of my time at Carrier as well and have yet to find my own “secret spot” to study. I enjoyed reading your caption about how that space has stayed constant throughout your career at JMU because I can relate to that feeling with many other places as well. I also agree that this desk, along with all the others in Carrier, should not be changed because I find it a unique and great place to study as it is.

    Rachael Gaul

  3. I really connected with this photo because it reminded me of many long nights that I spent in Carrier Library studying. While I do not know if I have studied at this particular desk there are a lot of areas in Carrier that are similar and also have scribbling on the side divider. The space should not be changed, I find that I can always do my best most intense studying at Carrier.

    - Breonna Hammond

  4. This image of the desk located in Carrier library is strong illustration of the college life. Having a location to study that feels safe and is quiet is hard to come by sometimes. When a student spends so much of their time on campus some, like myself, they try to connect to something that reminds or feels homey. Being able to see the visual images of who has studied in the desk before you is an interesting aspect. Whenever a new semester starts, I choose a desk in the classroom and return to the same seat every class meeting. Even though the seats are not assigned and many have sat in the seat before me, I feel the desk is my own for the duration of the semester. I make this public space my own for a little while. Thanks for sharing Luke.

    Samantha Bruce
