Thursday, April 5, 2012

JMU Trees

This space is the view I experienced on my way back to the Village Dorms from Zane Showker Hall. These trees are located on the front side of the JMU football stadium just past the Duke Dog and in between the field. Most students use this space as a path to commute, although it is not uncommon for JMU athletes to hang out next to this area. There is nothing to do in this location other than admire the beautiful trees and enjoy the backdrop of the JMU stadium right behind it. It is here for mostly aesthetic purposes. It is one of first thing visitors and students see when entering the campus. It iconic and very important to the overall appeal and first impression people receive while visiting JMU. It is another example of the great landscaping and maintenance work done on the campus. I wouldn't mind an addition bench located near by although it might obstruct the simple elegance of the view. I will forever remember the walks to and from class admiring the clean atmosphere and fresh breeze that I often experience while taking this path. I expect to see improvements as time passes over the years, but I am quite content with its current appeal. 
-Chris Velazquez

1 comment:

  1. Kevin Alders's Madison Space for Dr.H

    This is a photo that I greatly appreciate because the trees and landscape on JMU's campus is something that I truly value at this school. Recently, I had family come visit me at school, but one of the main topics of the school was the beautiful landscape and trees at the school that make being here so enjoyable. Touring campus is a terrific activity because every time you turn the corner, there is a another magnificent tree to admire and look at. Being a student living on campus with this great landscape, makes it that much more pleasurable.

    -Kevin Alders
