Monday, April 9, 2012

Catherine's Madison's Space for Dr.H

This is an image of White Hall, one of the many dorms on campus at James Madison University.  This dorm in particular is at the top of the village and is somewhat in the "middle" of the campus.  I picked this picture because not only is dorm life required for all freshman students, it is a very communal space for students to communicate, live, and interact with one another.  People are forced into tight quarters usually allowing a flow of ideas and opinions about themselves and aspects around them.  Many students, including freshman, begin their social web at a dorm.  They make close friends and are then introduced to their friend's friends.  
         Not only do dorms facilitate the growing social life, they are also seen as a new urbanism community.  Each individual has their own “personal” space, which is a part of a larger communal space with roommates, suitemates, and hall mates.  They have all bare necessities inside of the building, including vending machine, for food and drink, beds, bathrooms, Internet, and laundry areas. 
         Though this seems like the best space on campus, conflicts can and will arise.  Roommates may quarrel, and students can disagree with one another creating a tense environment.  Even though this is also a closed off dorm to those who’s JAC card accesses them in, many friends and relatives of the outside world may enter.  They are also exposed to the virtual world on their computers.
         White Hall, and other dorms on campus create a very interactive space for students to flow ideas.  It is a communal space with private interactions, but in turn a public entity to the university.


  1. I like this picture because I'm really familiar with this space. I actually lived here last year as a sophomore. I used this space to get work done, and met lots of new friends since the living style in the village is a suite of six people and a bathroom is shared between two suites versus my freshman dorm having a bathroom that two rooms would share. I definitely agree that dorms like this one facilitate the growth of social life. I met lots more people when I lived in dorms because I would constantly see them. --Jordan Gray

  2. I love this space that you chose because I actually live right next to White, so I can understand what you are talking about the with the communal space at the same time as having that "personal space". I agree that while roommates may quarrel and disagree about certain issues, I believe that the disagreement can inspire change and create an awareness of a certain issue that was not really thought about before. -Zach Laye
