Friday, April 6, 2012

Kevin Alders's Madison Space for Dr. H

This is a photo of James Madison University's recreational turf field located behind their rec center. People may look at this photo and see just the soccer and lacrosse goals, but this area offers much more to the James Madison community. This part of campus allows students to interact with one another in a number of ways. For example, at the beginning of the year I had some free time, so I went to field to play some pick up soccer. In the process of playing, I actually got to know a couple of other students who have become very good friends of mine. This is an area where students can to go participate in athletics, but it is also an area for socialization. A place where students can go relieve some stress by going and throwing around a ball. Students are often busy with schoolwork and their studies, but it is essential to find an outlet to relax and enjoy time with friends, and this space offers that. Often times there are groups of students who go to the fields to just watch a friend play. People may not realize it, but this is an area that everyone can appreciate. There are benches and bleachers for people to sit, hang out, converse, and enjoy time with friends and new people. The interaction between students playing sports or just hanging out, gives a sense of community and belonging which is important in college. While people may think that the purpose of turf fields are solely to play sports, they are wrong because it offers a place for students to go and be themselves. Where students can talk freely, met other students, relax, and have fun.

-Kevin Alders


  1. I think the UREC turf area could also be turned into an outdoor swimming area. We could install a giant pool and have a turf cover for it. This was was could also use the turf space for pool activities, as well as, land activities.

    I have recently used this space for softball games. This year I joined a slow pitch softball league and it has been lots of fun hitting homeruns over the short fence.

    What is most moving about the picture is the benefit of UREC. Everyday, UREC provides resources for students to live healthy lifestyles and provides students with a first class fitness facility.

    -Rob Kozlowski

  2. The turf fields are great examples of public spaces. Intramural sports are played on those fields, which encompass the JMU concept of community and togetherness. As stated in Mattson's article, public space facilitates "the potential gathering of strangers" which is what happens at the UREC fields. Many people from different teams come together to play other teams, made up of strangers. The fields allow interaction of the members of JMU's society.

    Tori Lugar Dr. H

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  4. I definitely agree with everyone's idea of what the turf can be used for and its importance to JMU. I remember during FROG week the turf was used for an event called "playfair" in which the entire freshmen class participated in a giant game on the turf one night. This definitely set the tone for the purpose of the fields as a way to interact, meet new people and share common interests, the main purpose of communal areas.
    - Emily Leclerc

  5. Morgan L. Deacon
    GAMST 200-0005
    Dr. Jennifer Lockard Connerley

    I would like to broaden the focus of the use of the recreational turf field to UREC in general. I go to UREC five times a week (Monday through Friday). I spend about two to three hours at the gym every time I go. I get to the gym when it first opens and usually lave between 9:30 and 10:00 am. I agree with Kevin, going to the gym offers me an outlet from the everyday stresses of reality. I find myself not wanting to leave by the end of my workout do to the fact that it is my escape. By going to the gym five days a week I am able to manage my stress and have more energy than if I do not workout. Thus, being an overall happy person. I truly believe that the gym is medicine for my soul.

  6. The Turf field is a great example of a public space for students here at jmu. it is used for almost everything from inter-mural sports to hosting Greek competitions. It gives students and place and an opportunity to come together an participate in activities and sports that they probably wouldn't take part in outside of the university.

    Gene Swindle

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  8. UREC's Lower Turf Field is an ideal public space. While usually for sports, it is also used for other events, such as the Student Org Night at the beginning of the fall semester, which is exactly what is meant by "a place to meet strangers." The only issue is that you usually need to reserve the space for usages, but it is still a great area for the JMU population to use.

    -Kelly Little (Dr. H)
