Thursday, April 5, 2012

Emily Leclerc's Madison Space for Dr. H

Lakeside Courtyard
The Lakeside courtyard located in between the buildings of Chandler, Eagle, Shorts and Showker Hall is a public space designed for the community of JMU students. The courtyard offers students a place to gather and hang out in between classes or on the weekend. The organized structure is designed to encourage community by creating a walkable area that connects students to classrooms, dorms and eateries. The center of the courtyard is similar to the town center many old communities were shaped around. As Kevin Matson described in his article, “planners created town commons, central greens and public squares to facilitate civic interaction”. This specific area is often used for meetings and events hosted by some dorms and clubs. You can also find people passing out flyers and messages written in chalk targeted at students on the sidewalk.
 With recent renovations, the courtyard has transformed from a concrete slab with basketball courts to a stone area with grass spots for tanning, Frisbee, and hanging out with friends. The volleyball sand court and new picnic tables allow for students and faculty to barbeque and eat outside in a more open environment. Many people can be seen sitting outside on the benches and grass in nice weather, giving the courtyard almost a beach feeling. Tours pass through this part of campus to show perspective students one of the small communities formed by the housing areas and buildings. The courtyard is a public space that has a general purpose of encouraging civic interaction and intermingling of JMU students and faculty. 


  1. For me, The Lakeside Court Yard represents the completion of my third mile for my daily runs through campus. I am a big fan of the recent renovations that have occurred in this space, it certainly makes the space more usable and relevant for student use. Nothing particular about the picture moves me, however, it is always a relief knowing that my run is almost finished once I reach this point.

    -Rob Kozlowski

  2. I think the photographer listed pretty much all of the main uses for this space. I use this space to walk to Greens for lunch a couple days a week, and then from there to Showker for class. Sometimes I sit on the swinging bench to wait for friends. This image is moving because I have never seen the courtyard from this interesting bird’s eye view. It is funny to picture how small I must look from this angle when walking through the space.
    -Beatrix Haddon

  3. I love this photo. I lived in Eagle my freshman year and lived in a wing that also had this view. So this picture brings back lots of memories of living of my freshman year. When I lived there the court yard space was different. There weren’t any grassy areas or as many benches. The renovation, I think really helps open up the space to be more socially used by students.
    A. Falck

  4. The Lakeside Courtyard is a public space that holds dear to my heart. Three years ago as a freshman living in Shorts Hall, I spent a massive amount of time in this area- maybe even more than the Quad. It was great for doing homework, meeting people to study, eating a meal, or even just hanging out. I believe it also encompasses what Greenberg discussed about college campuses. The four buildings are all centered around the public area, which really portrays one of the foundations of JMU- community.

    -Kelly Little (Dr. H)
