Friday, April 6, 2012

Intersection of Grace Street and Mason Street - Benjamin Buccola

Due to how close I live to James Madison Campus, I walk to class every day.  I walk past this spot in particular everyday no matter where I have class on campus.  This spot goes through many changes through out the year, specifically related to the flowers on the corner.  I wish the project was done a few months earlier because even during the winter James Madison University keeps flowers on this corner consistently. When the flowers die due to the cold weather, James Madison University landscapers arrive at the scene to replace with new living, blooming flowers.  My belief is that this is James Madison University's attempt to convince people that flowers never die at James Madison University and are always blooming.  This reminds me a lot of the kind of things that were discussed in class regarding Disney and trying to create a park that was in a sense perfect, and here we see James Madison University's attempt to be perfect.  I am just glad to see that tuition money is going to something that is actually important (sarcasm).  If you wish to view this corner and monitor it your self and see its constant changes every few weeks it is on the corner of grace and mason just outside miller hall.  Benjamin Buccola


  1. I can not really imagine a different use of this space. But, I am a political science major so I pretty much spend all my time in this building. What moves me about this photograph is that this is basically where I spent my entire academic career here at JMU, so it kind of feels like a second home to me.

    - Breonna Hammond

  2. I think looking at this corner according to the presence and type of flower is interesting, I hadn't thought of it. JMU does work very hard at keeping the grounds very neat and colorful. Often, people visiting judge the campus based on a short tour and it's important to keep our space looking nice. This space in particular is interesting to me because I always think about how my perception of the school would have changed if I would have entered campus for the first time using this entrance, rather than the main one off of Port Republic or any other entrance for that matter. Because the first things you see change depending on where you enter, each entrance provides a different first impression.

    Caitlin Brusoski (Dr. H)
