Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lauren Fleetwood's former health center door

Imagine walking back down the road, ignoring the flashy windows gleaming of Montpelier hall, and turn back to the left, to that old tiny brick building known as our old Health Center. Surrounding the building is caution tape and every window has this opaque plastic covering it. The doors? This old metal door has a sign marked clearly on it, warning us clearly of what dwells within. JMU students once used this space to make it just barely to get their many ailments treated, and hoping to get at least a note for class. The original designers probably made this space in the age of hoping it would last forever, that's why the sign is even necessary. The original designers wanted to protect the students within by filling the walls with a fire-retardant-- who would have guessed that very protection could cause such disastrous effects? This building could be improved to be changed into another study area, another place to go away from the grind of the everyday. An alternate TDU, or even a computer lab since the Airport lounge is now far from our scope of needs. In respect to environmental concerns? The asbestos needs to go-- which, the people moving in and out of the building are working on doing. Getting rid of a carcinogen is difficult work, and JMU is already on its way to fixing this problem. The irony of the need is, however, rather unpleasant. This space will hold a dear place in my heart, just for the sheer fact that having somewhere to go to take care of my needs (even though it was for only one year) was a great memory. But, seeing this space put into a more fine-tuned use will make me much happier.  

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